Black Victorians Collection
The Black Victorian series of oil portraits is inspired by historical photographs of Black Americans and Black Europeans in the 19th to early 20th century. The Victorian era is generally understood to encompass the reign of Queen Victoria from 1837-1901. Researching this series led Dené to discover powerful images and stories of Black people who challenge the all white narrative that often perpetuates present imagined ideas of Victorian society. “It is personally moving for me as a Black Biracial woman to see people with my skin tone represented in Victorian society” says Dené. Along with completed pieces, some images of the early stages of development for some of the work is shown below as well. The artist finds joy in the process and the completed work.

Selika Lazevski Black French Equestrian Woman, 2019 | Oil On Canvas | 60 X 48

Development Stage

Black Victorian Woman in White, 2019 | Oil On Canvas | 60 X 48

Development Stage

Jack Johnson Black American Heavy Weight Champion, 2019 | Oil on Canvas | 20 X 16

Alexander Dumas - French Author of Hatian heritage, 2019 | 36 X 24

Princess Sarah Forbes Bonetta, Unfinished, 2022 | Oil On Canvas | 60 X 48